Posted by : Namira Minggu, 22 September 2013

Nowdays, Indonesian missed the figure to become a leader in Indonesia government. Perhaps , only one of five leader in government who suitable for this position. WHY? It’s because we often choose our leaders based on the wrong characteristic. It truly happened in Indonesia.
Consequently, Indonesia have a crisis of trust to government. Indonesia bored with their leaders. A lot of them can’t be a leader. Take a look in the news, many scandals at government appear. And public knows them. They are cheating in election, they are corruption,  they have a bad habit, and so on.
Again and again, it proves us that we often choose the wrong leader to lead our government. Right ?
Certainly Indonesia need to have leader who always knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way for solving their problems. And also a leader can make a great decision correctly and quickly.
So, who is the leader we need to make a change for the better future?
Maybe you or maybe me
The young generation of Indonesia. Nothing impossible for us to make a change better for our nation.
Be a leader must have a great skill to fulfill their responsibility. They must be honest, wise, visionary, discipline and many more good characteristic.

But, In my opinion the greatest leaders is someone who always live in the past. WHY?
Of course,  It because the greatest teacher of all teacher is the experience. And the greatest experience is the experience that got by yourself.
Experience left by some people, but the future leader won’t leave it behind. He is looking braveness today and make it fault. And of course, it will be worthed later. From the experience the leader reach what does he has to do not only for his life but for people life.

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