Posted by : Namira Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Use case diagram is a diagram that shows the relationship between actors and use cases in the system . Use case is often used to illustrate the use of all or part of the requirements for the system or organization in the form of important models or business models . And communicate the scope of the construction project . Model your analysis of your usage needs in the form of system models use case.Dalam picture above use case is used to describe business processes , in this case the use case will describe what are the things that can be done by a blogger on his blog . As seen in the picture above illustrates all the things that can be done a blogger on his blog and blogger relations to other users in the use case is referred to as an actor . In the picture there are three actors that portrayed , Blogger , Blogger Admin and Visitor. The third actor has a business process and different activities . Whether it is the authority that owned , purpose , function and so forth . Nine are also depicted use case ( business processes ) , each of which business processes can be carried out several activities . The depiction of the business process use case based on the menu and what activities we can do at the time to be a blogger . To show the different activities in each business process can use a generalization component in his description . Examples of such generalization add , edit , delete and others. While the straight line connecting the actor to be called association usecase . Association is a component of connective actor ( user ) with usecase ( business processes ) . And there are also two arrows dotted lines that include and extend. Extend is used when a conditional use case adds steps to the first case using another class . And include use case is used to extract a few potngan are duplicated in several use cases . Including use care not to stand alone and use cases include the original incomplete without them . It should be used sparingly only in cases where significant duplication da tone with design rather than by chance . Include use case is used to extract a miraculous potonganyang duplicated in several use cases . Including use case can not be independent and original use case include not complete without them . Iniharus used sparingly only in cases where significant duplikasiyang and there by design (not coincidentally ) . Both are the liaison between the use case with the other use case . Previously , we have described the components that exist on the use case and also with the function of each component . While use case is connected at the use case log on all illustrate the use may be made if the previous user has logged on and extend email and password to get confirmation from the Admin Google Blogger For more details would be explained every case in the picture :

  1. Manage posting , a use case to illustrate blog posts in setting the dash . And graphically based menu on the dash blog , and what to do when the blogger posted a new entry that we can input new post is a new entry , delete can we do if we think the post is not suitable to be posted and disclosed to anyone too , and we do edit when we see an error in typing or grammatical , and when we checked it does not match between the title and the content so we can edit it . Use case manage the posting process include the log on .
  2. Manage domain , can we do if it does not want to have a blog in , you can get your own domain . On generalization has been described that you can get a way to register a domain register like , ix web hosting and others.
  3. Manage the settings widget is a small application that can be used directly on the blog 's home screen , such as a digital clock widget instance . Widget also called an appliance or gadget that additional features provided by the blogger . Where on our blog can add , edit , and delete gadgets or widgets that we want to put on our blog .
  4. Manage design blog , blog is a display design settings . Can use the supplied template , download templetees , until mengcoding own zoom accordance with our wishes . Design setting can edit and delete according to taste and the depiction of the blog or adjusted based on the theme .
  5. Manage profile , a profile setting or the data themselves bloggers we can do at the time of registration or at the beginning of creating a blog after blog is already finished . We can edit or update the information by replacing it can also remove them .
  6. Manage monetize a blog , an arrangement that is associated with an existing google adsense on our blog . And generalization that we do is approve or not advertising anything that will be shown on our blog with google adsense apply , of course, before we shall be registered in advance with the google adsense before registering our blog and we also have to be approved by the google to meet the requirements of the there .
  7. View the post, as a blogger we can see and give also like to comment that we post entry . Followers of our blog will be a visitor and anyone can see the post on our blog and give like and comment in accordance with their wishes .
  8. Manage follower , a regulation on our blog followers bias to a friend or an enemy we can specify. Therefore there is generalization to delete and view blog followers .

Entirety of the discussion above is the explanation of the image use case for blogs . Of the use case can describe many things ranging from actors who are involved and interconnected , the case of what is going on in a blog system , showing what data is to be input , and so forth . With the use case to illustrate the use of all or part of the requirements for a system or organization in the form of important models or business models as well as to communicate the relationship system and user are easy to understand .

May be useful :D



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